Trending Guide on How to Wear A Graduation Cap like A Pro

Trending Guide on How to Wear A Graduation Cap like A Pro

How To Wear A Graduation Cap

Your graduation cap, more formally referred to as your mortarboard, is a “graduation hat” that should be worn flat on your head and parallel to the ground. You’ll want your cap to be worn properly, comfortably and without any mishaps. Follow our step-by-step instructions to make sure your rocking that grad cap cap with style:

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1. Practice Wearing Your Cap Before The Big Day.

With practice, you’ll be able to feel certain that you’re wearing the cap just how you’re supposed to be. Trying your graduation cap on before graduation day will also help you make sure it stays put throughout the ceremony, looks great in all of your graduation pictures and if it does get knocked off, you’ll be able to put it back in place without a mirror.

2. Style Your Hair Accordingly.

This isn’t as big of a step for the gentlemen graduates as it is for the ladies but, it is an important thing to consider. There are only a few hairstyles that will work well with a graduation cap. Although you may not be able to wear an up-do or high ponytail, there are a handful of hairstyles that look great under your graduation cap.

3. Put Your Cap On Correctly.

The pointed tip of your cap is meant to go in the front of your head while the elastic band should go behind. The cap should be worn directly on your head and not tilted back and it should lie about one inch above your eyebrows. Keep in mind that your cap will usually distinguish which side goes in the front and which side goes in the back. Simply flip your cap over and you should find the instructions on the under side.

4. Secure Your Cap On Top Of Your Head.

Graduation caps usually feel as if they are going to fall right off your head and with all of the  pomp and circumstance going on during the ceremony, it is even more likely that your cap may get knocked off of your head by a gust of wind or even a fellow graduate. You can secure your graduation cap into place by using a few clips or bobby pins that match your hair color.

5. Brush Out Your Graduation Tassel.

Brushing the tassel assures it’s not tangled. Then hook the tassel onto the button at the center of your cap. Once you have attached the tassel and are rocking your graduation year with pride, give the tassel a little tug to assure that it’s in place.

6. Position It To The Correct Graduation Tassel Side.

This depends on your level of graduation. There is a graduation tradition called the turning of the tassel. As tradition goes, there comes a time during the ceremony when the graduates are asked to flip their tassel from one side of their cap to another and this signifies the earning of a degree. Be sure you have your tassel on the correct side before the ceremony with the graduation tassel side details below.

7. Wear Your Graduation Cap With Pride.

Acknowledge this amazing accomplishment. It’s not everyday that you get to style your outfit with a graduation cap and gown. Embrace your ceremony attire!

Students Standing in Line on Their Graduation Day

Graduation Hairstyles To Fit Your Graduation Cap

Trying to decide on different hairstyles for graduation can be more difficult than usual, especially for female graduates. Aside from other common newly graduate worries like making a resume stand out and where to move after college, another thing you may feel pressured to consider is looking presentable for your graduation photos. For the male graduates, you can usually style your hair as you do on a daily basis. If that’s not the case, you can always add gel or product to make rocking your cap easier. As for the female graduates, if you’re used to sporting high pony tails or top-knot buns that won’t fit under your square cap, you can use these graduation hairstyle ideas and common trends to try out under your cap for an effortlessly beautiful look.



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